Today's dress is called Lorelei, which is the name given to Sirens or Mermaids that live in the river Rhine. From being a little girl I adored mermaids (as well as Dragons - never really a fairy person though. I have a theory about this too). I think this is because I like swimming in open water.
Many folktales record marriages between mermaids (who might assume human form) and men. In most, the man steals the mermaid's cap or belt, her comb or mirror. While the objects are hidden she lives with him; if she finds them she returns at once to the sea. In some variants the marriage lasts while certain agreed-upon conditions are fulfilled, and it ends when the conditions are broken. They sometimes lured mortals to death by drowning, as did the Lorelei of the Rhine, or enticed young people to live with them underwater.
Immortalised by J W Waterhouse, The Mermaid as with many of the women he painted had Auburn or Red Hair. The pre raphaelites were on to something when it came to choosing women to be painted or depicted as an "archetype". So I am glad that Disney stuck with the red hair theme for Ariel, from Disney's The Little Mermaid
This dress is fabulous, the vamp collar brings in the femme fatale of the Lorelei and the tight fitting pencil skirt which is narrow at the bottom tapers like a fishes tail. The box pleats at the back reminds me of the fold away fins that mermaids have, and the colour. That speaks for itself.
I would never ever entice you to drown (far from it!) but I might encourage you to jump right in!
Dress: Lorelei in Rust Pinup Girl Clothing
Shoes: Kurt Geiger
Photos: Marvellous Marv the Hardware Hippo and Best Friend in the Universe
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