Today a nation get's to pay their last respects to one of the stronger leaders that we have had. You don't have to agree with a person politics to appreciate that they had the courage of their convictions and stood for what they believe is right. I sincerely hope that if anyone is planing anything that is disrespectful that they think better of this. I can only conclude that the people who would behave inappropriately at a funeral have never had to bury someone they care about.
I am glad that "I vow to thee my country" is being played at her funeral, as it is a beautiful hymn that has been one of my favourites since Primary School along with Jerusalem.
"The love that asks no question, the love that stands the test,
That lays upon the altar the dearest and the best;
The love that never falters, the love that pays the price,
The love that makes undaunted the final sacrifice."
Love doesn't question because it is unconditional, it stands the test because it weathers the good time and the bad. You are prepared to make any sacrifice for the people that you love, you will literally crawl across broken glass for them and if necessary give up your life to keep to them safe. Love is constant even in the face of adversity, it is so unfaltering that you can unknowingly take it for granted and fail to appreciate it. Love's way of reminding us not to do this, is it comes at a high cost, no one escapes paying the price yet you still enter into it with your whole heart knowing the price of tears. Love is the strongest things there is, it survives death and is truly eternal.
Today's dress is black out of respect, simple understated and appropriate.
Dress: Marilyn by Stop Staring!
Shoes: Kurt Geiger

R.I.P Iron lady, a nickname that was as fair a description of your appearance as your politics: you wore your suits like armour, your helmet-like head of hair was as unshakeable as your beliefs, and your handbag was as feared a weapon as any brandished by Boadicea.
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