Love comes in all shapes and sizes and far too often we restrict ourselves to the "romantic saccharine sweet" love so over commercialised by the card manufacturers. There is the love you have for your parents, your siblings, your extended family, the way you love your friends, dare I say the way you love your job? Pets we love them as well. The most important love is the love you show yourself.
I am not referring to narcissism, instead I am focusing on the fact that you have to love yourself before anyone can love you. People cannot give you that which you fail to give yourself. It works for so many things, if you don't respect yourself no one else will, if you don't believe in yourself why should anyone else? So if you ever have to choose between loving, respecting and believing in yourself, or in someone else then CHOOSE YOU!!! Why? Because it shows you have self esteem, that you know what is and isn't acceptable behaviour and that you have morals and boundaries. What better way to show a healthy bit of self love and observe Valentine's day than by bringing out your sexier side?
Sexy doesn't refer to fake boobs and fake eyelashes and perma tan, and it doesn't come from dressing like a glamour model or behaving like a fishwife. That's cheap and tacky!! Real sexiness comes from your love of life, or as the French say ‘joie de vivre’ and nothing is more attractive. A person who loves life has a twinkle in their eye and only ever needs to wear their sparkling smile to be beautiful - Love life, love yourself xx
Happy Valentines!
I proverbially wear my heart on my sleeve so when I saw this dress I thought it would be funny to wear it in nearly the right place (it's just left of centre really, so closer than my sleeve). The black heart is subtle suits the dress whilst still maintaining a fun and slightly quirky edge.
I love the shaped high collar at the back and the open at the front. The exaggerated sweet heart neckline that the heart shapes makes is adorable and I think it is has the benefit of being flattering to your bust. The tapering shape of the heart accentuates our curves and the black button that is off set on the waist adds a nice detail acting almost as a "beauty spot" on the dress.
Dress: Veronica Dress in Green with a Black Heart Pinup Girl Clothing
Shoes: Kurt Geiger

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